Friday, March 10, 2017

2017 - The Year of Paul Naschy Blu-Rays!

When we learned a few months ago that Mondo Macabro was going to be releasing two of Paul Naschy's more obscure films to Blu-Ray it was fantastic news. We have been doing the NaschyCast for seven years and one of our constant hopes was that his work would be made available on video again in some format. Last year's Blu-Ray of COUNT DRACULA'S GREAT LOVE was a massive step forward and with Mondo Macabro putting out INQUISITION and EL CAMINANTE the feeling among Naschy fans was that we might soon see more of his horror films soon. 

Boy, were we right! 

News came down just last week that Scream Factory will in June be releasing a huge Naschy set of some of his best work. Here - I'll let the Scream Factory info tell all


Paul Naschy (born Jacinto Molina Álvarez) was Spain's answer to Lon Chaney. He has portrayed many classic monsters – the Wolfman, Frankenstein's monster, Count Dracula, the Mummy and more. He was not only a terrific actor, but an accomplished writer, producer and director. This Blu-ray box set includes five stellar films from his long and distinguished career.

High Definition 1080p (1.33:1)/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono Castalian/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono English Dub/1972/Color/Not Rated/90 minutes
Complete Uncut Version
In Castilian with English Subtitles and English Dub
U.S. Theatrical Trailer
Spanish Credit Sequence
Alternate Clothed Sequences

High Definition 1080p (1.85:1)/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono Castalian/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono English Dub/1972/Color/Not Rated/89 minutes
Complete Uncut Version
In Castilian with English Subtitles and English Dub
U.S. Theatrical Trailer
Spanish Credit Sequence
Alternate Clothed Sequences

High Definition 1080p (1.33:1)/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono Castalian/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono English Dub/1973/Color/Not Rated/90 minutes
Complete Uncut Version
In Castilian with English Subtitles and English Dub
U.S. Theatrical Trailer
Spanish Credit Sequence

High Definition 1080p (1.85:1)/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono Castalian/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono English Dub/1980/Color/Not Rated/93 minutes
Complete Uncut Version
In Castilian with English Subtitles and English Dub
Deleted Scenes
U.S. Theatrical Trailer
Spanish Credit Sequence

High Definition 1080p (1.85:1)/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono Castalian/DTS-HD Master Audio Mono English Dub/1980/Color/Not Rated/84 minutes
Complete Uncut Version
In Castilian with English Subtitles and English Dub
Spanish Theatrical Trailer

This was beyond our wildest fantasies of what we might be able to get! And I hear rumblings that there will be other extras announced before too long! Who knows what might happen if this set does well? Might there be even more of Naschy's amazing films on the horizon? Fingers crossed.


  1. Incredible news of this set. Let's hope SF add some extras to sweeten the pot. At least we know we'll get update liners by Mirek Lipinski.

  2. I am so excited about all the Naschy releases in the pipeline! And I don't have to tell you how long overdue this shit is...and, please, if you will-indulge me as I express my sincere gratitude to both you and Troy: your laudable efforts continue to nurture my ever growing appreciation of Sr. Molina's (still!)vastly underappreciated contributions to the genre. The next obvious step is the enlistment of Rod Barnett and Troy Guinn to provide audio commentaries for all future Naschy home video releases...
