Saturday, June 25, 2016

The Bloody Pit #39 - SOYLENT GREEN (1973)

These days SOYLENT GREEN is a film better known for it's spoiler level final act revelation than for it's more impressive cinematic qualities. It presents a dystopian vision of the world if then current trends in overpopulation and pollution continued unabated and it does so with a depth of meaning and intelligence typical of the best science fiction. Fortunately, the talent involved were able to craft this harsh story into something smart and entertaining instead of dull and ponderous. The film boasts a brilliant cast, strong direction and a dark future-shock style scenario that feels realistic but alien and fascinating at the same time. The vision of a hopelessly overcrowded New York City in 2022, choked with clouds of yellowish smog and bathed in a constant smothering heat wave is a window into to a tomorrow that no one would want for their children but seems more likely with each passing year. Perhaps, if we are lucky, this film's fate is to be less prophecy than heeded warning for the generations that fear that one day we might be feeding on ourselves just to survive.

For this episode I am joined once again by my fellow 1970's science fiction fanatic Randy Fox to discuss SOYLENT GREEN and we find that our opinions differ just a bit. Before we begin Randy let's us in on his recent, exciting project bringing independent radio back to the city of Nashville! He is one of the main movers & shakers behind the scenes of WXNA 101.5 FM which can also be streamed online at their website if you are not privileged enough to live in Nashville. It's a DJ programmed radio station with a slew of specialty shows and the attitude that they will play what corporate radio won't touch. Check it out!

As you might expect, this look at SOYLENT GREEN covers a lot of ground. We talk  a bit about the cast and crew, delve into the darker elements of the story, marvel at the glory of Edward G. Robinson, bitch about the madness of silenced revolvers and Randy introduces us to the Charlton Heston 'Grimace' Scale. Near the end we talk a little about the source novel by Harry Harrison and we even have a piece of feedback email relating to our LOGAN'S RUN show. Very cool! If you want to let us know what you think the email address is where we will be thrilled to hear from you. Thanks for giving us a listen.

You can listen to the show right off this page in the Bloody Pit player on the right side of this page or at the embedded player below. 

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