Sunday, June 19, 2016

Reading About Jess Franco!

When I posted the recent podcast about Video Watchdog magazine and Jess Franco I planned to follow up with some info about my favorite Franco articles in VW. A recent illness put a halt to my forward momentum on that front but I'm back to at least point the way toward some of the best pieces I've read over there in the last 25 years. A damned good place to start if you're a beginner, or even if you aren't, is Tim Lucas' essay 'Jess Franco's Declaration of Principles: How to Read the early Films 1959-67' from issue #157. 

Published in 2010 the piece is Lucas' revisit of his then 20 year old try at processing the work of the famed Spanish auteur. In the ensuing decades he had had been able to see much more of Franco's work and therefore had much more meat to chew on when he dug into this subject at length. As you might expect, the hundred plus titles he had added to his 'watched' pile gave him new insights, new ideas, new connections pointing toward possible inspirations and a truly fascinating new way of dividing up the man's entire career. It certainly makes things more interesting and places the movies in a new light no matter how many of them you've been able to catch. It's an amazing read and well worth checking for yourself if the podcast has you curious for either the new Watchdog App or the films of Franco. Put them together for a perfect combination! 

Video Watchdog Website:

1 comment:

  1. Video Watchdog 157 was a very popular issue, and thankfully, we still have some print copies available at

    Thanks so much for this Rod! I had a blast doing the podcast with you!
