Tuesday, May 31, 2016

THE RETURN OF GODZILLA (1984) and THE THING (1982) Coming to Blu-Ray

OK! Carpenter's THE THING has been available on Blu-Ray for years but this announced new edition from Scream Factory promises to be bigger, better and just jam stuffed with new extras! Since it's one of my favorite films of all time I could not be more excited. 

And the 1984 Toho film THE RETURN OF GODZILLA that became GODZILLA 1985 here in the states has been high on the fan's wishlist for decades. Due to some strange rights issues it has been tied up in legal limbo forever but on September 13th it finally hits American video - and in HD! Woo hoo! Wasn't I just asking Troy about this on the podcast a couple of months ago? 


  1. I have Godzilla 1985 on a tape as a double feature with Godzilla vs Megalon. Does watching Godzilla '85 make you want to drink Dr.Pepper? ;)

  2. Oh HELL yes! The sloppy product placement in that film is insulting and charming in equal measure.

  3. Have you seen the Godzilla/Dr.Pepper commercials?

  4. Yeah - but not in years! Maybe I should post them here.
