Sunday, May 01, 2016

Lynda Carter - My First Wonder Woman

Like a lot - if not all - young American males in the 1970's I was first introduced to the character of Wonder Woman by the television show. I'd like to say it was her own comic book or the Justice League comics but the show stood out in ways nothing on the printed page ever could. Brightly colored, energetic and sporting a catchy theme song the show was perfect for young lads fascinated by superheroes and also unsure what it was exactly that made Miss Carter soooooo - appealing. Was it the beating up of bad guys? Or the magic lasso? Maybe the cool invisible plane? Of course, once puberty hit it was no longer a mystery. What a beautiful lady. 


  1. My wife used to get mad at me when Metv started airing the show. She has come around and periodically watches it with me. Do you prefer the show set in the 40's or the 70's( present day)?

  2. Been too long since I watched any of the show to judge BUT I suspect I'll prefer the 40's setting. I just rewatched the pilot tonight and it struck just the right tone.
