Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Supergirl Comic Book Covers

This week's incredibly fun team-up of TV's The Flash and Supergirl was so much fun I got to thinking about how few Supergirl comics I read growing up. She really wasn't on my radar at the time the way Wonder Woman was so I can honestly say that there are few issues of any of her comics I have ever owned. I wonder what particular runs of her various titles over the decades are worth seeking out. Maybe just the cheesy early ones, like these? 

They look like fun to me! 


  1. Wonder Woman was on your radar because her costume was more revealing you perv.

  2. Yeah, but Supergirl had those awesome hot pants in the 70s!

    The third one down, Adventure Comics #420, was the first Supergirl comic I bought. I love the late Adventure run of Supergirl #410-424 and the Supergirl solo book from the same time period. The Adventure run is especially great because Joe Orlando was editing it, and "mystery" (aka "horror") comics were really hot at the time, so all sorts of creepy, weird horror elements crept into the stories. The stories are absolutely nuts, but of course, in comics that equals great!

  3. Wow! Sounds like I need to read those Adventure issues! Any idea where they were collected in trade paperback format - he hopes!

  4. No trade paperback that I know of. Adventure #421 is particularly bonkers!
