Saturday, March 12, 2016

Poster and Video Box Art for THE NEW BARBARIANS (1983)

Also known under the title WARRIORS OF THE WASTELAND this is one of Enzo Castellari's MAD MAX 2 rip-offs. After a a rough first thirty minutes it becomes a fun post-apocalyptic romp and many dummies are destroyed! We'll be podcasting about the film later this month. 


  1. This was the first Italian post apocalyptic movie I saw. I'll revisit it around the time your podcast comes out. Isn't this the one where the main character gets raped by George Eastman? It also stars Bob!
    Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed Electric Boogaloo. While I was digesting the documentary afterwards it seemed the filmmakers edited it in a way of only leaving negative comments and stories.
    Last night I listened to you guest host Tombs of the Blind Dead on B movie cast. They seem be a fun group of people, so I downloaded more of their episodes. Also, you own Blind Dead shirts how I own Rolling Stones shirts lol.

  2. Yeah- this is the one where the main character gets raped by George Eastman. I had forgotten that scene until just this past week! Wow.

    As for Electric Boogaloo - it just seemed that most of the more interesting stories were being told and those tend to paint Cannon's management in less than great light. They certainly made a LOT of big mistakes along the way.

    And I'm glad you enjoyed the Tombs episode of the B-Movie cast. That show is always fun and I hope to guest on it again later this year. And I've had to cut back on Blind Dead shirts. I was out of control!
