Monday, January 04, 2016

THEATER OF DEATH (1967) Poster Art

I know I shouldn't be surprised but I don't think I've seen this little horror film under either of its most common titles. I'm pretty sure I have it stuck on a double feature DVD somewhere in my collection but the plot description does not ring a bell at all. Time to dig it out and see if I ever watched this one!  


  1. It's more of a mystery than a horror film, but that probably doesn't matter. How many movies do you think you have that you have never watched?

  2. Oh man. Dozens, just at a guess. And right now many of them are packed away in storage until later in the spring when I move. And if you count DVD-R's that I have compiled to watch 'later' the list is well over a hundred.

  3. Well, hopefully your collection is in good condition when you get it out of storage.

  4. Well, hopefully your collection is in good condition when you get it out of storage.
