Saturday, January 16, 2016

Naschycast #55 - MUCHA SANGRE (2002)

2016 brings us back to the much feared (by Troy and I, anyway) genre of Spanish comedy. Followers of this podcast will know that we've had little to no luck with our exploration of the various comedy/horror movies Naschy made over the years and MUCHA SANGRE features examples of each reason why we struggle to understand and enjoy them. That's not to say that we didn't have fun with the film but, as we discuss, we don't have the cultural references to get some jokes and often that kind of context matters. Truly, with any comedy your mileage will vary and with one like this that fancies itself a kind of Rock 'n' Roll movie warnings are appropriate for newbies. Luckily we have a friend in Madrid to help us out with some questions about the movie's odder moments! Yes, Elena of Horror Rises From Spain and comes to our rescue yet again! It's always good to get a lady's perspective on Naschy. Oh, and we spoil the hell out of the film's story, so be aware! Sorry.

Of course, we also touch on a few other subjects as the show progresses including our recently seen films, a brief discussion of 50's sci-fi movies, Kurt Russell westerns and the current spate of depressing celebrity deaths that have hit both of us so hard. Also in this show we announce some news about the podcast's future that will be of interest to fans and lay out the next few months schedule of films to be covered for those who wish to play along. Long story short- expect more Toho film talk over on the Bloody Pit podcast and the return of Amando de Ossorio here!

The mailbag section allows us to catch up on our correspondence, answer a few questions and, as you will hear, take a few suggestions for shows down the road. I can't wait to one day podcast about the films of Bruno Mattei! We can be reached at with any an all comments and we thank you for downloading the show. Please let us know what you think and what movies you'd like us to cover in the new year. 


  1. If I'm correct, there are 8 Amityville horror films before the 2005 remake. Altogether I think there are 15 Amityville horror films. Psycho 4 is actually pretty good in my opinion and I'm not a fan of Mick Garris. You and Troy should check it out. Come out and Play is the title of the Who Could Kill a Child remake. I also saw it on Netflix, but didn't make it all the way through. I think Runaway Train caught my interest.

  2. Holy freakin' Hell! There are 15 Amityville films? WTF? And Runaway Train is a great film so having it distract you from a mediocre and unnecessary remake is perfectly understandable.
