Saturday, December 19, 2015

What If the STAR WARS Prequels Were Good?

I, like billions of other people, am excited to see the new STAR WARS film but I have my expectations dialed way down because of the triple disaster of the prequels. This guy has noticed how easy it would have been for George Lucas to make those films GOOD if he had just employed a decent writer! Or some careful thought about plot mechanics or character motivations or anything else!

Well- check these out. This bright fellow has given those three messes some serious thought and posits a series of alterations that could have made them truly great. What an epic loss those films represent in science fiction film history.


  1. At least George Lucas went out on his own terms with these prequels,as well as was wise enough in casting Christopher Lee in two of them and Terence Stamp in one of them. I have more respect for the prequel(as heavily as I wisely ignore the fact that Jar Jar Binks is in them,and the overreliance on CGI) than I do for the new super overrated J.J. Abrams film(which either James Cameron or Peter Jackson should have instead directed).

  2. Until I see the new film I'll reserve judgement, but Lucas' prequels are disasters. Rarely has so much be squandered for so little. Of course, Abrams STAR TREK films are hideous as well, so.....
