Monday, November 02, 2015

OMEN (1976) sequel novels

The other day I was browsing my favorite used bookstore when I spotted these and I just had to get them. I love reading novelizations of horror films especially the ones that are trashier in nature so The Final Conflict book was a must have. If I had any doubts the 25 cent price tag for each book sealed the deal pretty quickly. Plus, I had had no idea there had been official sequel novels written for the Omen series. Quelle surprise! I can't wait to find out what direction the author took the story. I can't find out much about this Gordon McGill fellow other than him having a few roles in movies years ago. I suspected it to be a pseudonym but I can't find any proof. 

1 comment:

  1. very curious about these - gonna go on a little hunt - let me know after you read them what you think
