Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Anniversary - The Flash

2015 is the 75th anniversary of my second favorite DC Comics' superhero The Flash and BOY- has he had a great year so far! A hit TV show has put him on the map as far as the public is concerned and he will even be hitting the big screen next year. 
These are some of the comics I first remember buying featuring the Scarlet Speedster although they aren't the first ones I read. A cousin of mine had a stash of Flash books that got me interested and his appearances in the JLA stoked my fascination. 


  1. What are your actual thoughts on the new The Flash tv show? You said The Flash is your second favorite DC character, who happens to be your favorite? Is it Martian Manhunter?

  2. Yes, my favorite is J'onn J'onzz. I love what I've seen of the new show but I have been unable to see the last eight or nine episodes!

  3. Can you shine some light on why he is your favorite? I really don't know too much about him except his for powers. What do you think of Cyborg replacing M M as a prominent Justice League member?

  4. Having Cyborg replace MM is a natural move for DC. MM's backstory and powers are too similar to Superman for mass consumption/comfort so moving him off the board is to be expected. The current version in the New 52 is solid and worthy of more attention than he is getting but the character has never been a huge solo book seller. I'm currently reading the trades of the Ostrander/Mandrake MM series from the late 90's and enjoying the hell out of them.

  5. That makes a lot of sense. I've mostly heard Cyborg replaced him for diversity reasons. I like your answer the most. They should have kept M M and just added Cyborg to the lineup, if you ask me.
