Saturday, June 07, 2014

The Bloody Pit # 14 - STREETS OF FIRE (1984)

STREETS OF FIRE is both the perfect distillation of the action films director Walter Hill had made up to 1984 and a stylish box office disaster. In my opinion it is also a masterpiece of pure cinema combining elements of film noir, musicals, crime stories, romance and tough guy humor into a something not seen on film before. This may not be Hill's best film but it is the best representation of his talent completely unfettered within the Hollywood movie making machine.

I recently rewatched this movie on cable (where I always seem to have seen it) and posted about it on Facebook wondering if I was alone in my love for SOF. I was not! Dozens of people came out of the closet as fans and when Ted Haycraft mentioned that we needed to talk about it I suggested we record our conversation for a show. A few minutes later I asked filmmaker and comic book writer Robert Tinnell if he would join us and he enthusiastically agreed. We had a great time talking about this under seen and under discussed piece of 80's action cinema and we hope you will enjoy hearing us babble.

If you have any comments or if you are a secret fan of STREETS OF FIRE drop us a note at and let us know. Maybe Walter Hill fans should develop a secret handshake or just address each other as Tom Cody! Thanks for downloading and listening.

1 comment:


    I too have a deep love for this movie. Love the soundtrack and everything that got mashed together to make a true Rock and Roll Fable. The broody but brave Cody and Diane Lane who has never looked more attractive.
