Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Bloody Pit #13 - Jamesian Radio!

With the thirteenth episode it is just me flying solo again. As this series of podcasts features a random assortment of things that interest and/or entertain me I have no fear of zigging around and sometimes talking about things most folks know nothing about. In that vein, this time out I'm bringing you a fun piece of Horror Radio that requires a little explanation. So, in this short show, I first explain who author M. R. James was; then I point you toward the wonderful literary podcast about his ghost fiction and finally I present one of the odder audio adaptations of his work - all in a day's work for a media magpie such as I am! Oh- and I found a neat piece of James inspired music to end the show as well! I hope you enjoy this bit of creepy fun.

Feel free to let me know what you think of this episode or, indeed, any previous one. I can be reached by writing to if you have any comments on the podcast. The show can be downloaded from the link below or subscribed to through iTunes. Thanks for listening!

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