Saturday, December 07, 2013

Twelve Inch Snake!

Plissken, that is! Yes, the wishes of toy collecting ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK fans have finally been answered with Sideshow Toys announcement this past October that they will be producing a fantastic foot tall action figure of Snake! It features all of the anti-heroe's trademark features including full abdomen cobra tattoo, eye patch and all the correct clothing - muscle shirt and distressed leather jacket, urban camo pants, shin guards and combat boots. It even comes with all the weapons, the wrist clock AND the all important cassette tape that can save the world! This looks amazing!

Of course, with a $160 price tag I won't be rushing off to grab one, but I am willing to be gifted with this at any time of the year. 
That may be the biggest bit of begging I've ever done on this blog. 

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