Sunday, December 15, 2013

The Bloody Pit #12 - Christmas Movies

Its December, so it is time once again for The Bloody Pit Christmas Movie episode! Just like last year, this two and a half hour podcast showcases my buddy John Davis and I talking about some of our most beloved Holiday themed films, TV shows and other bits of media. The surprise for 2013 is that this time we are joined by my NaschyCast co-host Troy Guinn! He wanted to include his thoughts on this subject and as his favorite film of all time turns out to be SCROOGE (1970) it only seems right that he should. Troy has a long history with the film and its pretty funny.

The discussion jumps around quite a lot with a number of movies under the microscope but we also take the time to touch on a few short stories and comic book Christmas tales for which we have fond memories. Of course, this being a show hosted by three horror movie buffs you can expect a few of these items to veer into the dark, scary places we love so much - you have been warned! A brief listing of the major programs we talk about -

1. SCROOGE (1970)
4. Twilight Zone - "Night of the Meek"
5. A Charlie Brown Christmas (1965)
6. Peace On Earth (1939)
7. EBBIE (1995)
8. All Through the House
10. COMFORT AND JOY (1984)

So join us for a conversation among three old friends as we relate why we love these pieces of Holiday entertainment and what they mean to us. If you want to let us know what your favorite Christmas movies are please drop us a note at and we'll see if we talk about them next year - or maybe sooner! Thank you for downloading and listening. 


  1. dear Rod & colleagues,

    let me thank you for this wonderful christmassy episode of podcast goodness. Although I am not the biggest fan of the christmas period myself, I enjoyed your discussion about an interesting variety of christmas-themed movies immensely.

    Being a bit more cynical than I possibly should be, I more a fan of movies like "Bad Santa", but I will definitely check out some of the movies you recommended in your episode. It was actually quite touchy to experience your history and emotional connections with those movies. So thanks for the great material, it definitely lightened up a cloudy winter day over here in good old Europe! warm regards, Armin

  2. Thank you very much Armin! I can understand anyone's possible aversion to the Holiday season as it tends to be shoved down everyone's throat every December. I know it can be difficult to get into the spirit some years and my own tendency toward cynicism makes me often more in your camp. Luckily I have several friends that push the right buttons to make me happier in these dark days of Winter.

    And I love BAD SANTA too! What a mean-spirited, cruel but funny film!
