Thursday, November 10, 2011

Creepmas- the new December Holiday!

I'm a CREEP for The 13 Days of CREEPMAS

Now here's an idea I can really get behind! CREEPMAS!

"CREEPMAS is for those Halloween lovers and Monster Kids who want to say "enough is enough" - if they're going to put their Christmas into our Halloween, then let's put our Halloween into their Christmas! The 13 Days of Creepmas is an online Celebration of Spookiness from December 1 - 13. The idea is to bring a macabre twist to Christmas and the holidays. Get creative and post it on your blog - share your twisted yule visions with the world!"

I think I'll try to participate in this new Yule celebration by posting Holiday themed horror things the first two weeks of December. Should be fun!

I'm a CREEP for The 13 Days of CREEPMAS

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