Sunday, October 30, 2011

Stephen King's BATTLEGROUND - animated short film

As October approached this year I got the urge to revisit some of the old horror fiction I read in my youth. OK. I actually get this urge most years around October but this time I got the specific urge to re-read Stephen King's first collection of short stories 'Night Shift'. Doing so was a wise decision. I really enjoyed the entire book and was impressed all over again by how damned good a writer the man can be. I was surprised by how many of the stories had stuck so firmly in my memory that I remembered small details even when I might have forgotten which tale had which odd turn or clever twist. One that I had almost forgotten was the story Battleground. It plays more like a bizarre science fiction story or Twilight Zone short but horrific elements are there as well.

I was alerted to the existence of this Ukrainian animated version of the story recently and found it an amazing adaptation. Check it out and prepare to be impressed.

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