Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Monster Cereal time!

Its that time of year again when Fall has arrived, horror movies get watched by everyone and Monster Cereals are available in stores. For a few short weeks each year Boo Berry, Frankenberry and Count Chockula can be found on select shelves around the country and poor bastards like me have to fight the urge to eat an entire box in one sitting. Making things even more difficult for us Boo Berry-a-holics is the addition of this extremely cool artwork by Jason Edmiston in which the link to our beloved Universal Monsters is made stronger.

Nice! And if you're wondering if this was a one off by a guy uninterested in the subject just check out this---

Yeah- he's pretty awesome. The beauty of his monster art is so great it has distracted me from my usual whining about the two missing flavors of cereal I wish they would bring back. I'm not sure I ever got to really try them at all when I was a kid. What would Yummy Mummy taste like anyway?


  1. Yummy Mummy and Fruit Brute were, as I recall, practically the same cereal, though I remember liking Yummy Mummy more. I think it tasted like Froot Loops, while Fruit Brute was more harsh, like Kaboom....


  2. Wow! I never tried Kaboom so I have no reference there. I have vague memories of Yummy Mummy though.

  3. Kaboom was the nastiest cereal I've ever tasted. Ever.
