Monday, September 12, 2011

Jess Franco poster art - Part 13!

This is an absolutely terrible film and put the final nail in the Fu Manchu series' coffin but I still get a sick kick out of it. The best way to watch it might be via Mystery Science Theater 3000 just so you have help making sense of the 'plot'.


  1. Yeah, this one really, really stinks. (Christopher Lee AND Jess Franco's worst film...?)

    I have to bust out laughing, though, during the scene in which Fu's daughter, Lin Tang (Tsai Chin), is meeting with Omar Pasha (José Manuel Martín). They're discussing stealing a hoard of opium from a Turkish castle. Suddenly - apropos of nothing - a frantic, wild-eyed man stumbles into the room, crying "They will give me no more opium!"... upon which Rosalba Neri (as Omar's butch female henchperson) stabs the guy and kills him. Omar and Lin Tang then calmly resume their discussion.

    There's just something weirdly funny about that scene. Cracks me up. (It's cut out of the MST3K version, by the way.)

  2. Yeah- this is one bad film I wish the MST3K guys hadn't needed to edit for time. I want them to cover the ENTIRE thing. And yet I'm thrilled to own it on DVD looking pristine and beautiful!
