Sunday, March 20, 2011

The Old Dark Round Table Episode 1 - "The Mummy's Curse"

About a year and a half ago illustrator, filmmaker, screenwriter and actor Frank Dietz (yes, he's all of these things and more) used the opportunity of a gathering of Monster Kids to create something fun. Getting everyone seated and comfortable (hard enough) he presented his opinions on various subjects and then asked the rest of the assembled geeky brain trust to 'discuss' as cameras rolled. That what he was asking about were a number of films considered the lessor lights of the classic horror genre prompted all of us to voice our thoughts with considerable vigor. Indeed, I think the level of defense many of the movies in question received took Frank a bit by surprise. That none of us were above making fun of even those films we loved certainly made the conversation entertaining... at least for us. And it was one hell of a good way to pass a couple of hours with friends.

Frank has started editing some of the footage together for the rest of the world to check out. He's done a fine job of pulling clips from the film under discussion to illustrate points and making most of us sound much more coherent than we have any right to after the large dinner we had all just eaten! The first video focuses on a film I love but that Frank is right to pick apart. His dim view of THE MUMMY'S CURSE turns out to be a minority opinion.


  1. That was cool... and I'm jealous! ;)

  2. Glad you liked it! As Frank gets more of these edited I'll post them as well. I remember some of the discussions getting to a much funnier place.

  3. Can I go next time? I am green of envy....
