Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Naschy birthday cake!

Naschycast listener Brad had a very 'Naschy' birthday celebration recently and sent along this photo of his cake. When I say he had a Naschy celebration I don't mean he turned into a werewolf and went on a killing rampage under the full moon. Instead he asked for and received a number of Euro-Trash bootleg movies most of which featured Senor Molina. Ya gotta love that! And you really gotta love his wife for indulging and sharing this request for bizarre movies. There are wonderful ladies out there folks and Brad seems to have found one. Happy belated birthday!


  1. OMG!!!! This is sooo cool!! Brad I love you... ok I love your cake lol Great way of celebrating and well.... I want a vegan cake like that one!

  2. BTW it is Trujillo's picture! i gonna tell him!!

  3. It IS pretty awesome. I might try to get something like it for my birthday. Maybe the poster art for EL CAMINANTE? ;-)

  4. Thanks very much Rod! This is awesome! I have no idea how I tricked Elizabeth into marrying me. We are big fans of the blog and Naschycast. Putting up the photo was a great birthday gift! Thanks again!
