Wednesday, October 13, 2010

NaschyCast #9.5 - Werewolf giveaway!

It’s an October surprise you can be happy about! Troy and I return briefly to let you in on some Naschy news and to expand on our ideas about COUNT DRACULA’S GREAT LOVE. That’s right! You only thought we’d talked enough about that film but after we recorded episode 8 new information came to light that clarifies some of the problems of its production. Its fascinating stuff and we’ve added a couple of other fun things to make this .5 show a fun listen. We can be reached for comment at and the first five minutes of the forthcoming documentary called THE MAN WHO SAW FRANKENSTEIN CRY can be seen at

As usual the show can be downloaded from HERE or from Podcast Alley or iTunes. Check it out! You’ll be glad you did.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rod--I was looking for contact info on the blog, but couldn't find an email address. Anyway, the Duke of DVD and I are sponsoring a Naschy Blogathon from November 29 to December 3, and we would be honored if you and Troy would consider participating in some way. Details are here:

    As a couple of the biggest Naschy fans on the web, Troy's and your contribution would be greatly appreciated!

    The Vicar
