Tuesday, May 25, 2010

STAR WARS memories

Just about 30 years ago I sat in the crowded Eastgate movie theater in Chattanooga, TN and watched THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK. I was with my little brother and my father. This was around the time my parents separated right before their divorce but I can’t be sure if that was the reason Dad rather than Mom took us two over-excited kids to see the most anticipated film we’d ever experienced. The place was packed and we had to sit on the far right side of the room but nothing could have dampened the film’s effect on us. Even Dad enjoyed it and he’s no fan of science fiction. Afterward he remarked that he really liked the fact that Darth Vader kept killing off his incompetent underlings. He chuckled every time he thought about it.

But what if the second and greatest STAR WARS film had been made in the 1950s………


  1. I saw this film at the same time but I would have sworn I saw it at Northgate, not Eastgate.
