Friday, April 02, 2010

NaschyCast #3- NIGHT OF THE HOWLING BEAST (1975)

In the third episode of NaschyCast Troy & I delve into the 8th Waldemar Daninsky werewolf film NIGHT OF THE HOWLING BEAST. Afflicted with at least a half dozen alternate titles the film is a fun adventure film crossed with Naschy’s usual lycanthropic madness and some unexpectedly acrobatic fight scenes. The movie has more than a few surprises including disproving one of my earlier statements about Mr. Molina’s tendency to write only two types of female characters. Also note that with this episode we add sound clips from the movie for your entertainment and edification. Some of the lines in this one are just too good to miss.

We have also added an email address for the podcast so that we can get more direct feedback. We’re more than happy to take suggestions from everyone and if you have any thoughts on ways to improve the show please drop us a line at We’ll be glad you did.

You can download Episode 3 at this LINK or subscribe on iTunes. Thanks!

iTunes LINK 


  1. I've subscribed to the iTunes Podcast and got 'er downloaded to my player... Hope to listen to it Sunday night at work. Lookin' forward to it!

  2. Awesome Podcast guys. Love the addition of audio clips. Please keep them coming.

  3. Thanks guys. The positive feedback we've been getting makes the work involved easier to do. Plus we love talking about these movies, of course. Glad you're enjoying the podcast.
